Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) is an employers' organisation and an organisation that represents and advocates local government in Sweden. All of Sweden's municipalities and regions are members of SALAR.
The largest employer organisation in Sweden
Our members are the employers of more than one million people, which make us the largest employer organisation in Sweden. As an employer organisation we work for the interests of our members and offer them support and service.
Our role is to sign central collective agreements, make our members stronger in their role as employers and create conditions for local solutions.
SALAR represents and advocates for local government
We also represent and advocate for local government by raising issues, acting decisively and enlightening public opinion. Our ambition is to be one step ahead and to shed light on important changes outside local government that affect our members.
We speak for our members in dialogue with the Government, Riksdagen (Swedish Parliament), government agencies, the EU and other key organisations.
The Association strives to promote and strengthen local self-government and the development of regional and local democracy.
A politically run organisation
SALAR is a politically run organisation. The Association's supreme decision-making body is the Congress. The Congress draws up the guidelines for SALAR’s work and appoints its Board and President. The President of SALAR is Anders Henriksson.
SALAR and the European Union
Many decisions taken by the European Union affect local and regional government in Sweden. This is why the Association aims to be seen to play an even more active part in European politics.
Whistleblower function
SALAR, uses a whistle-blower function to quickly detect misconduct that could otherwise cause serious damage to SALAR's operations or employees.